The Big Bang... Where it all began
Hey Fellow Earthlings,
After using the tamiya kits to make the body of this robot, I personally DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS AT ALL! Its the worst!
The problem is tamiya has a variety of complex mechanical parts and they all have different shpaes and sizes and specs and this made it hell for me to figure the right parts to go to with each other. I also had to BURN THE PLASTIC BASE to make space to screw in the double gearbox.
So After a long struggle I completed the body of the robot and then comes my favorite part, the electronics! This image is the connections shown in fritzing(trust me, this is much easier to comprehend and understand then the actual circuit) Credits: Mert Arduino. I followed these connections exactly as they are, even the colour code!(colour code is really important).
This is my first project, Infact, My first(maybe proper) robot I have actually built and has worked "partially"; you'll understand why later.
BEFORE I START, TO DO THIS PROJECT, I TOOK A LOT OF REFERENCE FROM MERT ARDUINO. MerT Arduino has a youtube channel which is real good and if you like this, be sure to check him out yo!
Link:https: //
BEFORE I START, TO DO THIS PROJECT, I TOOK A LOT OF REFERENCE FROM MERT ARDUINO. MerT Arduino has a youtube channel which is real good and if you like this, be sure to check him out yo!
Link:https: //
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Top View, All the electronic components are visible(sorry for the blur images) |
So, this is a very simple obstacle avoider using the LM293 H-Bridge motor driver IC, Arduino Uno(the original expensive Arduino... ugh), HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor module, jumpers(male to male and female to male... no gender jokes pls), 9V cells and a 2.1mm Jack(9v to arduino connector) and a mini breadboard(yes, soldering is way beyond what this simple robot needs) - these are the electronic components.
Seems like a lot and yes, its a lot but they're very minuscule in size.
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On the mechanic side, I used a tamiya tracked vehicle chassis kit and a tamiya double gear box sold separately. This makes up the body of the robot.
Doesn't sound like a lot but is a lotta stuff people!
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Tamiya Double Gearbox Fully Assembled |
After using the tamiya kits to make the body of this robot, I personally DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS AT ALL! Its the worst!
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All the tamiya parts near to completion |
The problem is tamiya has a variety of complex mechanical parts and they all have different shpaes and sizes and specs and this made it hell for me to figure the right parts to go to with each other. I also had to BURN THE PLASTIC BASE to make space to screw in the double gearbox.
As for the coding, I got it from mert arduino's blog,
Check this blog out, its has really good info!
Although, I must say that in the end the robot moved very slowly, a few cm a min and it took forever to turn when facing an obstacle. I guess the bot couldn't carry its heavy payload of an arduino uno, 2 9v cells and a breadboard, that explains it all. This is why I said it partially works.
Hmmm, what should I name the robot???
Overload? (Pun intended)
Ladies and Gentlemen, Introducing my first robot, the "Overload Mark I". Oh yes if you were wondering, there will be a mark II and maybe even a mark III.
Hey people, if you think I don't meet the standards and I'm not fit to be an earthling with such lame robot skills(im not gonna 1v1 u) or u have any ideas that could be useful for mark II & III, leave a comment below, I'll be sure to reply! Infact pls give me ideas for other robots, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!