Put yourself in the shoes of a teacher. You are having a peaceful afternoon break in the staff room. Suddenly you here a gradual increase in the noice level from the class next door and soon the noise becomes irresistibly loud and you have to sacrifice your break to go and calm down those kids in the classroom. Well, if you hate that, you have come to the right place! This is a device that can be placed in all classrooms to indicate the noise level of the kids, so that the kids can see their noise level rising an shut up!
This basically a device that uses the sound sensor module in coordination with arduino 101 to display the noise level in the room with a servo which will indicate the noise level accordingly in the room and this device will also display noise level by means of an RGB(red green blue) LED, the increase in sound is directly proportional to the frequency, so as sound increases the color changes from blue(low frequency) to red(high frequency).
So to make this, start by placing the audio sensing moudule on the breadboard and making the connections as shown below
Make all the audio sensing module connections then move on to the connection of the RGB LED.

The longest leg of the RGB LED is the ground pin of the RGB LED.
Now you have finished most of the circuitry.
The last part is the servo connections.
A generic servo has 3 wires, namely, power, ground and digital pin.
As usual, connect the power and ground to the respective ports on the breadboard. The digital pin will go to the digital outut pin of the arduino. I'm reffering to the number pins on the arduino or the pins with the prefix D(stands for digital). You can assign any pin number as long is its a D pin.
Now for the code,
Theres 2 parts to the coding... RGB coding and Servo coding.
The RGB coding is shown below,

The servo coding I am not able t display it due to technical diffculties, sorry about that.
The servo coding, I will explain it.
So the servo has to point in 3 different points, low sound, moderate sound and high sound.
This can be done by setting the servo to point at 0 degrees, 90 degrees and 180 degrees respectively.
The servo coding can be done with switch case or IF/ELSE statements.
To make the external casing, just take a cone and divide it into 3 parts for the 3 noise levels.
You can name the 3 noise levels by low, moderate and high; OR you can choose to get creative and make some phrases for those sound levels like we have done(shown in picture)
Remeber to tape on a pointer to the servo motor to point to the various sound levle regions.
With this, WE ARE DONE!!!
Hope this actually helps some really troubled teachers out there!!!
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